Lines and Spaces Reading Tour of the University of Iowa International Writers Program

From November 8-13, 2017 with the support of the US Embassy in Armenia ARI Literature Foundation hosted Lines and Spaces Reading Tour of the International Writers Program of the University of Iowa.

Five prominent American writers visited Armenia as part of the Lines and Spaces Reading Tour, conducted by the internationally-renowned University of Iowa’s International Writing Program. The writers are Natashia Deon, Lisa Schlesinger, Michael Collier, Cate Dicharry, and Christopher Merrill.

The tour involved public readings at AUA and at the Yerevan State University, panel discussions at The Club and The Buroround table discussions with experts, and casual social events with local authors. The events aim to introduce contemporary American literature to the Armenian public and familiarize the visiting American writers with the local Armenian literary scene. An Open Mic Night was also organize with program participants and other writers who read in English.

Within the reading tour American authors have also offered a creative writing experience for Armenian and Turkish young writers.

ARI Literature Foundation partnering with Kalem Kulture in Istanbul selected two groups of young writers aged 18-25 to take part in the training experience in Yerevan, Armenia. The English language sessions were followed by native language practical exercise sessions by Armen of Armenia and Aram Pachyan working with the Armenian group and Sinem Sal working with the Turkish group. See the gallery