Fundraising campaign for the ‘Let’s Read’ Program

The ARI Literature Foundation has launched a fundraising campaign for the ‘Let’s Read!’ program, in partnership with the Diruhi Foundation to help promote reading for school aged children. The ‘Let’s Read!’ Club («ԱՐԻ կարդանք» ակումբ) is a reading promotion initiative aimed at cultivating reading habits from an early age, making reading an attractive tool for gaining knowledge, and at the same time a pastime competitive with other entertainment options of the digital era.

The first stage of the program and funding will allow us to establish the first Reading Centre for children in Yerevan. The second stage of the program will be to establish a similar Reading Centre across 10 regions of Armenia, in cooperation with other partners. The third stage of the program will be to train librarians and teachers, who will then be able to replicate the program in their own towns and villages, libraries, schools and communities.

The ARI Literature Foundation implemented a pilot program in the summer of 2019, which it now aims to nourish & grow. If you would like to see photos and watch videos from the summer program please visit our Facebook page.

Donations can be made via GoFundMe.