On May 23rd in the framework of regional visits of DIFFERENT STORIES Picture Books project ARI Literature Foundation team was hosted at the Aragatsotn Regional Library to present the books “I Speak Through Dancing” and “The Champion” published as part of the project.
We met 4th year schoolchildren, as well as their teachers and parents.
We were pleasantly surprised when we learnt about the list of literature the schoolchildren preferred, which included the best pieces of both Armenian and world children literature.
Schoolchildren were aware of inclusivity, various types of impairments and bullying. They told us they have friends, relatives with special needs but it never kept them back from playing or making friends with them.

The children were very impressed by the message the books carried and told us that they would definitely follow the examples of the prototypes of the books. They will never give up or get disappointed on the way to reaching their aims.
We would like to express our gratitude to Aragatsotn Regional Library and its director Lusine Kirakosyan, for organizing the meeting and hosting us.